AHCCAL10.ZIP 18,100 07-01-96 Calendar Object v1.0. Provides a pop-upcalendar for your VB4 16/32 applications.A demo is included.
ALARMCC.ZIP 172,466 07-01-96 Alarm Custom Control <ASP> Set an alarm ormultiple alarms to go off at a particulartime. Includes 16- and 32-bit OCX files.
CATGEN20.ZIP 114,764 07-19-96 CatGen v2.0. Color Text to BasicConversion. Now with search or make onlinehelp files or Catalogs.
CA_20SW.ZIP 619,994 08-06-96 Code Artist v2.0. Source code printingpackage for VB that provides support forboth VB3 and VB4 file structure. Featuresinclude a word processor-like page setuproutines which allows you to select pageorientation, header/footer and margins.
CD16.ZIP 319,220 08-05-96 CodeDoctor v2.5. Powerful add-in packagefor 16-bit VB4. Features include theability to copy/delete controls and menusand their code from form to form,tile/cascade/close VB code windows, cloneforms, and much more. 32-bit version isnow included.
CODESTSM.ZIP 954,038 08-15-96 Code Storage for VB. Gves you quick andeasy access to your commonly usedprocedure Subs and Functions as well asthe Win32 (or Win31) API Declares,Constants and Types. It also holds the newVisual Basic constants.
CPVB267.ZIP 483,767 07-25-96 Code.Print for VB v2.26. Powerfuldocumentation utility for Visual Basicprojects. Features include fullfont/layout/margin control, support forVB4 files, a Win95 style interface, andmuch more.
CSSVC_32.ZIP 145,845 08-06-96 CSS Version Check (32-bit) v3.3. Detectsall the libraries and components (VBX)that are used by a program. This can beuseful for the creation of setup disks,client support, version checking, and muchmore.
DLLMST40.ZIP 274,887 08-29-96 Dll Master v4.0 for VB3 Under Win95. Listsall modules currently loaded in memory,and allows you to load, unload, ordecrement the use count of Dlls. modulepath, datetime, filesize and internalversion and header info are shown.
EASYNET.ZIP 169,289 08-17-96 EasyNet v1.85. Custom control for VBWinthat helps you quickly draw and managenetwork diagrams.
EZNET.ZIP 266,061 07-01-96 EasyNet/OCX v1.1.005. VB4 custom controlwhich allows you to developflowchart-enabled applications. Both 16-and 32-bit versions are included.
EZVBAP95.ZIP 90,272 08-06-96 EZVBApp95 - Assists novice VB4 programmersby providing a complete applicationframework with all the most commonlyneeded functions including: compact/repairof a database, Help files, error trappingand reporting, "nag" screen generation,and more.
FIRSTBAS.ZIP 297,568 08-01-96 FirstBasic compiler v1.0. True machinecode Basic compiler. Stop using the QBasicinterpreter and step up to the speed ofcompiled code. Leave behind 64k stringlimitations.
FLABEL.ZIP 38,907 08-25-96 FLabel v1.0. Custom control which allowsyou to format the text within labels. Youcan use different fonts, colors, multipleparagraphs, etc.
GSSERROR.ZIP 339,998 08-05-96 GSS Error Handling System - Complete errorhandling and debugging system for 32-bitVB4. You are able to customize the "lookand feel" of the Error Dialog at designtime so that the error handler fits inwith the rest of your application.
INDIC_CC.ZIP 230,549 07-01-96 Indicator Custom Control. Quickly createprofessional VU segmented meters in VisualBasic. Three separate colored segmentsections can be defined with up to twentyLED segments per section. Both 16- and32-bit versions are provided.
KNOB_CC.ZIP 206,198 07-01-96 Knob Custom Control <ASP> Control thatdisplays a round knob that behaves like aslider or scroll bar. Four different knobstyles are available. Both 16- and 32-bitversions are included.
MAKE_MAK.ZIP 86,674 07-01-96 Make_MAK v4.07. Quickly compile your VBprojects with smaller EXEs. This supportsdrag and drop from the Windows FileManager and is compatible with VB4.
MCDSK_32.ZIP 230,086 07-01-96 MC-Disk v2.51. 32 bit DLL with over 90routines for use in VB4 and Win95/NT.
MCSECURE.ZIP 142,338 08-05-96 MC-Security (16/32 bit) v1.11. Set ofroutines that allows VB developers toprotect programs, applications, files ordata.
MCSTR_32.ZIP 217,496 07-01-96 MC-String v2.51. 32-bit DLL with over 60routines for use in VB4 and Win95/NT.
MCVBEHTP.ZIP 244,650 07-01-96 MCR VB/Error Handler - Tracer Profilerv1.03. Add/remove error management andtracer-profiler information into all filesincluded in a VB MAK file. Both 16- and32-bit versions are provided.
MDBUTIL3.ZIP 26,843 08-06-96 MDB Utilities v3.00. Allows all usualmodifications and additions to an existingVB3 MDB file, but maintains all datapresent in the database. Fields, indexesand settings can be added, removed orchanged while keeping data intact.
METADOC.ZIP 410,571 08-06-96 MetaDoc for VB 4.0. Printpreviewer/document creator DLL for 32-bitdevelopment. Features include the abilityto draw shapes, wrap text, rotated text,multipage document support, and much more.
MODALDLL.ZIP 8,672 08-03-96 Complete PB/DLL source code to a ModalDialog which asks for a complete user nameand returns it to the calling application.Modal Dialogs placed into a DLL are muchfaster than equivelant forms in VisualBasic. Requires the PowerBASIC DLLCompiler.
MSGWIZ.ZIP 144,324 01-/7-96 VBMax Message Box Wizard. Fully functional32-bit add-in for VB 4.0 to simplify theprocess of coding message boxes.
MYTTIPS.ZIP 10,381 07-02-97 MyTips - This implementation of ToolTipsare made only with standard VB resourceand with few API calls. No VBX's or OCX's.Also use only one timer control for allwindows with tooltips.
NPARSE32.ZIP 978,166 08-06-96 NParse32 for VB 4.0. 32-bit custom controlthat is used to parse through either textfiles or immediate strings.
PA16V302.ZIP 357,233 07-09-96 Project Analyzer v3.02. Powerful 16-bit VBtool that helps developing, maintainingand documenting programs by reading VisualBasic source code.
PASSWD2.ZIP 40,480 07-01-96 Password Program v2.10. Set of very simplylaid out forms and procedures to add fullpassword and task level functionality toyour Visual Basic programs. Source code isincluded.
PCLVBW11.ZIP 64,702 07-03-96 Personal Communications Library for VisualBasic v1.1 <ASP> Async comm librarysupporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4ports concurrently, many dumb multiportboards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven,RTS/CTS flow control and more.
PKUNEXAP.ZIP 14,717 08-01-96 PKUnzip for VB 4 v2.0. Allows you tocontrol PKUnzip, and therefore unzipfiles, from VB4.
PROGRES3.ZIP 64,246 07-01-96 Progress95 v3.0. Demo of a plug-inprogress meter that you can easily add toyour Visual Basic applications.
QBSVGA.ZIP 134,039 09-02-96 QBSVGA a set of subroutines/functions (andan "include file") that can be used withinQB programs to achieve SVGA graphiccapability.
SBLIST12.ZIP 66,507 08-10-96 SBList v1.2. 32-bit OCX. Extended list boxwhich allows embedded bitmaps, multiplefont attributes, variable color text andbackgrounds, table formatting and gridlines. Easy to use. Demo included.
SGOLE.ZIP 154,080 07-01-96 oleGridSort v1.0. OLE server for VB4 thatprovides full sorting by column for the MSGrid control. An optional secondary sortcolumn may be specified. Both 16- and32-bit versions are included.
SIMULATE.ZIP 2,416 07-25-96 Simulate - Demo of a VB 4 application thatuses Label controls to simulate Textcontrols.
STACK.ZIP 144,403 08-29-96 How to use interrupt 16h to stackkeystrokes into the keyboard buffer.
STYLE_SW.ZIP 756,984 08-06-96 Code Stylist/VB v1.26. Source codeformatting tool for Visual Basic. Itallows you to specify your personal orcompany standard formatting preferences,and process and format all of the sourcecode. It will even spell check your code.
T2WIN_16.ZIP 329,648 07-01-96 Time to Win v7.07. 16 bit DLL for VB4 withover 600 functions, including 2- and 3-Droutines, big numbers, date/hour/timeroutines, huge strings, and much more.
T2WIN_32.ZIP 386,987 07-01-96 Time to Win v7.07. 32 bit DLL.
T4EFS.ZIP 584,618 08-27-96 T4 Embedded Font Server. Let's you definewhich fonts you want to include with yourapplication and creates an Embedded FontLibrary, which you distribute with yourapp. It also contains a VBX for use inyour program to install the embedded fonts.
TAB95.ZIP 75,276 07-01-96 Tab95 v1.0. Contains a demo for a plug-intabbed dialog control for VB.
TIME2WIN.ZIP 328,120 07-01-96 Time to Win v7.00. DLL for VB3 with over600 functions/routines covering arrays,big numbers, date/hour/time, and muchmore. A demonstration program and helpfile is included.
TIME_VB.ZIP 184,844 08-27-96 Internet Time Control. 32-bit customcontrol that encapsulates the Internet'sNetwork Time Protocol (NTP) to allow youto retrieve the Greenwich Mean Time fromsupporting hosts on the Internet.
TIPDAY.ZIP 54,124 07-01-96 Tip Of The Day v2.0. Demo of a "plug-in"form and code module for Visual Basic forWindows that reproduces the Tip of The Dayscreen that is used by large softwaremanufacturers.
TOOLTIPS.ZIP 71,195 07-01-96 ToolTips v3.0. Demo of a "plug-in" codemodule that provides the popular littleyellow box that pops up to describe atoolbar function. Both 16- and 32-bitversions are included.
VB2DOC7.ZIP 97,227 08-06-96 VB Source to Document v7.0. Creates a Wordfor Windows document of the .FRM and .BASfiles contained in a selected MAK file.Finished document will be formatted withall SUB's and FUNCTIONs highlighted, allRem'med statements will be formatted initalics.
VB4DDE.ZIP 26,295 08-09-96 Sample code that demonstrates how tocommunicate between two Visual Basic 4.0applications using DDE links. Code isprovided with compiled examples andgeneral readme documentation. Freeware.
VBAHA144.ZIP 151,345 07-27-96 VB AHA v1.44. Create Windows Help fileswith simple mouse clicks. Features includemacro support, bullets for use in combofields, a field menu item which will allowyou to read a text file into a field withthe option of reformatting it for a helpfile.
VBCS.ZIP 176,650 08-16-96 VB CodeSecure v4.0. Helps prevent yourVisual Basic 3 and 4 executables frombeing decompiled into your exact originalsource code by using advanced dataprotection algorithms such as formoverlays and object de-referencing.
VBHOOK.ZIP 17,703 07-01-96 Recorder Custom Control allows yourVisual Basic application access to thepowerful facilities of Windows journaling.Possible applications of this includemacro recording and playback abilities,building simple CBT applications, andrecording scripts.
VBISVB3.ZIP 322,667 07-01-96 VB/ISAM for VB 3.0. Complete, compact andfast indexed record management extensionto Visual Basic for Windows. Featuresinclude up to 80 indexes stored in thesame DOS file as the data records, indexsort-order and file space automaticallymaintained.
VBISVB4.ZIP 515,331 07-01-96 VB/ISAM for VB 4.0.
VBMAX3D.ZIP 140,179 08-06-96 VBMax 3D Effects. Fully functionalin-process OLE server for adding 3Deffects to your VB 4.0 apps. Containsmethods and properties for creatingpanels, borders, frames, lines, dropshadows, status bars, progress meters andtext effects.
VBMAXEM.ZIP 169,603 08-06-96 VBMax Electronic Message Display DLL. Addelectronic display controls to your VB4applications without the overhead ofthird-party controls.
VBQSTART.ZIP 15,099 07-23-96 Visual Basic Auto Launcher v1.0 for Win95. Quickly start VB from an icon in theWin95 system tray.
VBSNIP.ZIP 375,549 07-23-96 VBSniplets v1.0. 32-bit VB4 applicationthat allows you to save portions of sourcecode into a database for later use. Thiscan store up to 2 billion records.
VBU20.ZIP 126,498 07-14-96 Text listing all existing Visual Basic PD& shareware files by type, with releasedate and short description. From EMSProfessional Shareware's Aug'96 CD-ROM.
VBWIZ.ZIP 396,047 07-02-96 VB AppWizard. Generates complete VB4/16 orVB4/32 (compilable) applicationshells/templates including toolbar/tips,status bar, help files and much more.
VB_ELIZA.ZIP 18,271 08-16-96 Visual Basic 4.0 source code to theclassic AI program that mimics apsychotherapist, Eliza.
VXLCD.ZIP 122,328 01-/7-96 VBMax Liquid Crystal Display DLL. Now youcan add LCD/LED style controls to your VB4.0 applications without the overhead ofthird-party controls.
WIZLIGHT.ZIP 85,198 07-01-96 Wiz Lite - Add-in for 32-bit VB4 thatprovides commenting, a print subroutine,and a message box and comment headerwizard.
WSC4VB10.ZIP 65,091 08-26-96 Windows Standard Communications Libraryv1.0 for VB 16-bit <ASP> Serial commlibrary based on the Windows API.